Our differentiation : Holistic transformation, human and business


Our holistic vision enables us to conduct company-level diagnoses, to prioritize high-impact/ROI initiatives, to recommend only required, bespoke solutions selected from our comprehensive toolbox and ecosystem.


We steer large-scale transformation at all company levels (C-level, managers, teams) based on our capacity to embark the senior management.


Thanks to our diverse expertise, we steer transformation spanning all company business functions, for each of them articulating the transformation from strategy to field operations.


Our approach combines best practices from consulting, coaching and general management, all targeting pragmatic & business impact, always ensuring people’s endorsement & motivation.


We enhance the capacity of leadership teams to succeed in scaling & transforming, we engage teams, we improve the collective efficiency.

Our team and its DNA

Seasoned, expert professionals with track records of impactful transformations.

1st class, international academic credentials (MBAs from ESSEC, INSEAD…)

Business expertise gained within leading consultancies (McKinsey, Bain, Stanwell…)

General management experience (COO, CEO…) in success stories (Webhelp….), senior track record in business functions for international companies (E.g. Sales, Purchasing…at Coke…)

Multi-cultural, able to coach, train, and lead inter-cultural assignments worldwide

1st class accreditations in coaching & in Change Mgt (Coach & Team…)

Accredited on world-renowned psychometric tools (MBTI, Hogan…), & on best approaches to human transformation (NLP,TA…)

Accredited on the most effective business systems (Lean, Six Sigma…)

Our sustainable impact on the people

Our transformations are sustainable because we level-up your teams.

We enhance people’s skills.

Hard skils enhanced

  • Field impact
  • Pragmatism
  • Simplicity
  • Method
  • Rigour
  • Demanding
  • Depth
  • Creativity
  • Agility

Soft skills enhanced

  • Commitment
  • Team spirit
  • Co-building
  • Listening
  • Knowledge sharing
  • Transparency
  • Respect
  • Trust
  • Conviviality

Our comprehensive toolbox for 360 transformation routes

Our transformation support are based on this multidimensional approach, leveraging bespoke tools that accurately match the situation.

Our transformation support are based on this multidimensional approach, leveraging bespoke tools that accurately match the situation.